Book A Call To Speak With Sarah And See How The Mentorship Program Can Help You Break Free From Limiting Beliefs, Transform Your Life And Tap Into Abundance.

🏆 Client Testimonials 🏆

"Sarah's Light Codes and words of wisdom are helping me to ground myself. They helped me to see that I am more than the person I always believed myself to be. They are also showing me that healing can come in many different forms. Highly recommend the Light Code program."

- Deirdre Pasztor

"After feeling stuck and not taking action on things I knew that were good for me, all in one week I have  accomplished what I have been trying to do for three months!!! I am experiencing more self respect, more self love, and I am feeling so good and happy. I can’t remember the last time I felt this good. Sarah’s healing is life changing."

- Raymond | Florida

"Working with Sarah was like having a lifeline when I felt lost and confused. She helped me reset and reconnect and to see things in a different way that I never have before. I now have a clear picture of what my blocks are, what holds me back, and have a greater sense of purpose and connection to my soul family. I am so grateful!"

- Alica | Canada

"In one month of doing the 1:1 live light code clearing sessions, I have noticed that I feel physically lighter, more centered, and more able to cope with stress. This might be tmi but I have even noticed that I am no longer constipated and I am physically purging and releasing anger that I have held onto for years!"

- Grace | Australia

"Sarah's light language has opened doors for me that I never knew even existed. Listening to her  always makes me feel the higher vibrations when she channels. Since finding Sarah, my light language dialects have become more broad, new ones are popping up almost daily. Thank you so much Sarah for being you and sharing your gifts to the world!!"

- Trevor & Shannon

"Sarah your light language changed me and made me cough out a lot of things, the dragon portal made me realize I could feel and know what colors are there rather than see as well. Your courses I’ve been taking helped me open up different light languages I never knew I could truly do and how to help channel better and know how to protect and clear myself with the intention rather than speaking it to speak it. It’s helped me immensely know how to also see and feel other peoples blocks within themselves too and what they need to work on and with too. Thank you so much for the courses and time (:"

- Jordan Holmes

"I took Sarah's class to grow my channeling gifts. Sarah has such a beautiful soul she is the perfect teacher. She has knowledge, compassion and a true gift from source. During her class I became more confident in both my channeling and light language abilities plus I had tons of fun. Being religious but very spiritual, Light Language was one of the hardest religious dogmas to get past. During Sarah's classes I felt as if I was being gently led by a kind friend who was also my teacher. Also Sarah's voice is so melodic and healing the energy she shares with her students is an adjustment to your frequency in itself. If you are being called to work with Sarah my advice is to just do it....."

- Dawn Latwis- Soul Flow with Dawn and Akashic & Angel team dba Angels in the House Party

"I signed up for Sarah’s Light Language course in December 2022. I originally found Sarah on YouTube when I was searching for light language from the dragons. I was immediately drawn to her beautiful energy and her genuine way of how she showed up energetically. The light language she channeled spoke to me deeply and knew intuitively it was within me too. Sarah went above and beyond in the course. She definitely over delivers with her materials and is quite generous with her ability to be present for her students. The course brought me to a greater awareness of my own light language which I found out through the course is primarily from the whales and the dolphins. This awareness opened up a whole new doorway to deeper healing for myself and my clients. I would highly recommend you work with Sarah if you are being nudged. "

- Victoria Haffer

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